A Picture A Week

So, I've decided to take weekly pictures of my garden again this year.  This time, I'm taking them from the other side. Instead of leaning out the window, I'm shooting from the top of my tall step-ladder.

I know it's March, but let's call this one Week Zero:
3/17/2013 - No work done yet (well, you can see part of the bed I've turned to the left). That's bok choy flowering to the right, and some parsley and garlic near it that over-wintered. The rosemary is blooming nicely, too.

3/24/2013 - Spent some time this week turning about 1/4 of the garden and mixing in plenty of compost. Yesterday, I planted a small bed of carrots in the upper left-hand corner. Today I tried planting some seeds in the rain: bok choy, cilantro, calendula, orach, spinach, and onion sets. I'll plant in the rest of this area after it dries out later this week.

4/7/2013 - I skipped last week, but not a lot of change in that time.  I weeded the borage volunteers and finished planting the section to the left. Bok choy, arugula and orach are all starting to come up. Also, the onion bulbs are starting to sprout.

4/14/2013 - I got another 1/4 of this garden planted with herbs and greens and pruned the rosemary a bit.

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