Peak rosemary bloom?

I'm not sure if this is actually the peak of the flowers on my rosemary, but I went ahead and took a picture just in case.  You can see that a half-dozen or so of the boughs have flowers on them.  There are still a couple with unopened buds, too.  I'm hoping that it will still be blooming when the four salvias that surround it bloom.  They all have buds that are just starting to open, so it should look pretty good in a week or two.  Last year, this rosemary plant bloomed for the first time, but only had two flowers total.

I've been ill and we've had bad weather, both of which have prevented me from gardening.  I finally got back out there this week, though.  I broke ground on my "cottage garden," which I should have done weeks ago.  It's been slow going, but I hope to get that planted this week.  I also spent a few hours weeding my established garden area.  My dill volunteers have started to sprout and the kitchen sage has re-seeded.  I also got cilantro, dill and bok choy planted.  I'm hoping to put my tomato seedlings out this weekend as well.

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